These procedures are perfect for women and men who wish to look younger within minutes.
Enjoy the most amazing massage from our experts and stay relaxed for the rest of your day.
It’s up to you which zone you wish to work on, but we recommend to start with the neck and back.
Allow your body and soul to completely relax and enjoy a day at one of our luxury spa centers!
This procedure feels heavenly. It can be ordered separately from the full body massage.
This experience feels really great after a long day at work or a hard gym workout.
WMS Sàrl
Wellness & Massage Services
67, rue de Lausanne 1202 Genève Suisse – CH
Nous joindre
+41 22 738 32 92
67, rue de Lausanne 1202 Genève Suisse – CH
Nous joindre
+41 22 738 32 92